Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.
Aries (21st March to 20th April): You have spent a good deal of the last few weeks, immersed in your thoughts and inner space. Ironically, though you felt lonely – you did not spend any quality time with your near ones. Be ready to listen to these pleas from your family members – as the week opens. Have you been ignoring domestic matters? Well, don’t! A trickling tap or a bill unpaid – is only going to add to your stress.
Taurus (21st April to 21st May): Cosmic tussle in your zone of marital or committed relationships indicates some trouble in your paradise. One engaged to be married may actually be re-thinking their equation. Business partnerships too may run into challenges and confusions. Maybe, you don’t really agree with your partner or associate, and now, under the Mercurial influence, you are being direct and upfront about it.
Gemini (22nd May to 21st June): Ever since the last week, something may have been playing on your mind. Are you planning to go the wrong way to earn more money? Well, this is only going to make matters worse for you. Your finances, anyway, are in a good shape. Do not disturb the fine balance, by doing something foolish. You will be able to manage expenses easily, provided you steer clear of wasteful pursuits.
Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July): You begin the week on a gainful note. Some returns accrued on past investments may materialize here. Venus passing through your Sign gets influenced by Jupiter, which is going to be stimulating for you. Indulge in creative activities and pursuits of higher learning to take advantage of this astral configuration. Hobbies are a great way to keep yourself mentally agile and happy.
Leo (23rd July to 22nd August): Home and domestic matters take the center stage, as the week opens. A close family member, maybe your father or mother, may express his or her unhappiness on your behavior or unwillingness to spend time with them. As far as finances are concerned, the planets give you a happy status. In love, be careful, though. You are liable to be wrongly lured by someone untrustworthy. This person may be quite old or young to you in age.
Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September): Moon connects with retrograde Jupiter, traversing through your 3rd House, as the week begins. You will be thinking a lot – grand ideas, spirituality, altruism – but results may not manifest. Venus is now in your 11th House – so it’s friends’ time. Are you falling for an old friend or a social associate? Parties and lunches galore! Singles in love, however, may face opposition from their elders. Some of you may plan to take a drastic step – maybe eloping of getting married secretly.
Libra (23rd September to 22nd October): Your family demands your full attention, this week. Expenses rise and so do the expectations. You will, thus, will try to increase your earnings to meet these rising needs. There are some gains foresees and happy financial prospects, provided you keep your cool – and manage everything well. Encouraging returns on your earlier investments will cheer you up.
Scorpio (23rd October to 22nd November): You begin the week on a powerful note. Planets seem to be willing and ready to let you have your way. We hope that you will steer the tide in a fruitful and constructive direction only. Monetary gains are foreseen. Your image in your circle gets a boost, or your popularity increases. But don’t let this get the better of you – don’t flaunt just to impress others.
Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December): Are you calling out to Gods or benefic planets to soothe the ruffled feathers of fortunes, as the week begins? Maybe that or some other sort of ritual or ceremony is likely. Meanwhile, the retrograde Jupiter (your own Sign Lord) and retrograde Saturn may keep putting roadblocks and struggles onto your path. Well, what is life, if it is without ups and downs! Enjoy this vast and beautiful – and, not to forget, limitless sea of surprises.
Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January): Ones planning to get married to partner of their choice may face opposition from their elders in the family. You may even plan to take a drastic step and get married secretly. Well, even though the planets will support you in any kind of clandestine or secret activities, it would be best to take your well-wishers in your confidence. Do not take any major decision in haste.
Aquarius (21st January to 18th February): A new or important work responsibility makes it way to your desk, as the week begins. Well, isn’t it great that your seniors now trust you with such key tasks? Use this opportunity to hone your skills – maybe acquire a new skill. And, take challenges, if any, in your stride. Business and trade prospects get a boost; you may get a chance to land a profitable deal now.
Pisces (19th February to 20th March): Moon meets retrograde Jupiter this week. You are thinking about money, a new education course, higher learning or maybe something philosophical. Whatever it is – it’s positive, but may not bear immediate results – certainly not until you pursue it with full determination. Blame it on retrogression or the other astral alignments – or yourself – but the only way ahead is Karma.