Capricorn Horoscope – Lifestyle News Update | Events | Fashion | Top Buzz Newzito - Trending Lifestyle Portal Tue, 14 Jul 2020 11:26:48 +0000 en hourly 1 Capricorn Horoscope – Lifestyle News Update | Events | Fashion | Top Buzz 32 32 Weekly Horoscope 9th July to 15th July 2018 Mon, 09 Jul 2018 08:07:03 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries (21st March to 20th April) Great time to meet old friends, appreciate old companionships and all that great time spent together. Plan …

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Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries (21st March to 20th April)

Great time to meet old friends, appreciate old companionships and all that great time spent together. Plan a get together and remind all those memories. The midweek appears to have real changes in your planetary positions. Dear Venus is to move into the Sign of its incapacitation – Virgo – your sixth House. This may affect the job employees, influencing them to feel anxious and awkward at work. What’s more, this may also influence your wellbeing.

Taurus (21st April to 21st May)

Planetary positions show here that you will probably make a shrewd move to help your general prospects. As wily Saturn moves in a retrograde mode through your ninth House, keep up lovely and intelligent bonds with your elder folks. This will make it simpler for you to have steady advance and also peace at home. Mid-week – the leader of your Sign Venus goes to its Sign of crippling – Virgo – Your fifth House.

Gemini (22nd May to 21st June)

Exalted Moon this week may provoke you to spend after solaces, extravagances and delight. While this may sound energizing, you have to ensure that your interest doesn’t make you spend the money beyond your means. Staying concentrated on making great investment funds may come to help in coming circumstances. Additionally, keep enough arrangements for family needs, and comprehend their desires and prerequisites. As of now this time, there might be some unavoidable clashes in your family, however if handled with tact, they can be solved.

Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July)

Planets of your Sign predict that you will have a lovely and charming time in the start of this current week. Over Wednesday, Venus crosses in its Sign of weakening the double natured Virgo – your third House. This may influence you to consider your family prerequisites and additionally your relations with your nearby partners, kin, cousins or relatives. You may get an opportunity to address a few people, however you may not feel sufficiently sure, as Venus is debilitated.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)

Business fellows, you will remain busy in negotiating multiple deals with potential customers. This week, welcome the encouraging monetary gains, which will make you stronger on the financial front. Raise your provisions for the family members – as the inflow increases. Around the midweek, two major planetary changes take place. Dear Venus moves to its Sign of debilitation – Virgo – your 2nd House.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

If you are planning to have a religious trip, since long time, but haven’t yet found a right opportunity – stars send you some fortuitous opportunities for it, this week. Go, visit a sacred place and seek the blessings of a holy deity. This may bring positive energy for you in coming times – and will also refresh you. Over midweek, dear Venus makes an entry into your Sign Virgo. Venus gets debilitated here. You may not feel attractive or desirable, and the love life may remain stagnant.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)

Hard work and systematic planning are bound to give you success. This holds true mainly for the business people, as they shall receive back-to-back orders from loyal, valuable customers. A small, technical glitch or power-cut, however, may interrupt your daily activities, which may result in a delay in delivery of goods. But, you being a perfect Scale shall remain cool-headed and handle the situation calmly. Over Wednesday, two major cosmic changes are taking place.

Scorpio (23rd October to 22nd November)

You are likely to be hopeful about prosperous times ahead; courtesy: Exalted Moon in opposition to Jupiter. Moreover, mighty Sun too seems to be backing your intentions. However, with retrograde Saturn in opposition to Sun, chances of a rapid progress seem bleak. Only strong determination and consistent efforts can improve the chances of a bright future. Over Wednesday, Venus changes Signs to enter the earthy Virgo – your 11th House. Venus becomes debilitated in Virgo.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December)

The pressure and challenges of last week are likely to continue, especially in case of career oriented. However, you may get lucky and feel happy on being provided with an assistant/intern to share your workload. Employees will feel highly motivated to put in best efforts and perform exceptionally well. However, the stars in the cosmos hint on an unexpected expense related to the family. You may have to dig in your savings to meet the expenses.

Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January):

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, goes the saying. And it holds true to some extent. This week, when things are not working out between you and your loved one, try to stay away from him/her for some time. This may give you and your partner to think about the rights and the wrongs. Thereafter, it may be easier to iron out the issues. However, you may be in a belligerent mood due to some reason or the other, mainly due to your attitude towards others.

Aquarius (21st January to 18th February):

Accelerating in your work and achieving progress is utmost important to you at this juncture. And for this, you don’t mind taking a friendly loan to experiment with new ideas. However, double check your plans well in advance before implementing them and incurring a loss. Two major changes in the position of planets take place on Wednesday. One: Venus becomes debilitated, on moving into Virgo – your 8th House.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March):

You are willing to think out of the box and make intellectual plans to move forward in a career. However, the influence of malefic planets shall remind you of your weaknesses and highlight your limitations. The opposition of wily retrograde Saturn and mighty Sun too may throw hurdles in your way to progress. Over Thursday, the ruler of your Sign Jupiter becomes direct in motion. This shall prove to be a relief for you in multiple aspects.

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Weekly Horoscope From 2nd July to 8th July 2018 Mon, 02 Jul 2018 06:53:23 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries Horoscope With the sun in Gemini, you appreciate wonderful moments with loved ones this week. You learn a lot by seeing through …

The post Weekly Horoscope From 2nd July to 8th July 2018 appeared first on Lifestyle News Update | Events | Fashion | Top Buzz.

Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries Horoscope

With the sun in Gemini, you appreciate wonderful moments with loved ones this week. You learn a lot by seeing through the eyes of the younger generation and they learn much through you too, so the relationships are mutually beneficial.  You feel social, quiet and loose; life genuinely is for living and getting a charge out of and next to no can get you down. With Mercury in Cancer, home is a position of concordance. Venus in Cancer proposes anxiety, you need to roll out an improvement or something to that affect and you have the strength to start it.

Taurus Horoscope

Nothing is superior to a content bull. All your capacity and vitality charges while you kick back and take in the pleasant ambiance. With the sun in Gemini, you sharpen your ability to communicate, coming across gentler, softer and more diplomatically. This causes you to be comprehended and individuals hear you out and respect your point of view, which is typically grounded, educated and pragmatic. You would like to abstain from going into superfluous squabbles – there is as yet a piece of you that can be energized to contend if pushed! You may begin a renovation project at home, which will occupy your brain.

Gemini Horoscope

This is an awesome week for you professionally. Your cerebrum is splendid and Gemini’s over all divisions and circles thrive, especially the individuals who work in politics issues, the stock market and accounts. You have a positive, bright and at last stunning position. This charm draws people to you, and although you must be careful that people do not take advantage, you can also take advantage of their interest yourself! This is a gainful period for those of you who are aesthetic or creatively inclined. This week you are sociable, busy and active, much like a boo jumping from flower to flower. You must be conscious of wasting your energy rather than focusing it. It is more useful if you channel it in some way. A new love may emerge…how exciting for you! 

Cancer Horoscope

Dear Cancer, you are without a doubt tough yet in addition exceptionally touchy and delicate inside. Think about the crab, fragile meat, covered up in an intense shell. Figuring out how to acknowledge and esteem your affectability is crucial for you. Our most noteworthy qualities regularly originate from our apparent shortcomings. You are attracted to things that are excellent and agreeable – some piece of you is tingling to be mitigated and you need to center around the positive qualities throughout everyday life. At work, you keep up a beat and there is sizzle to your own life which is tempting. Enthusiastic, mindful, liberal, you are best when you pour your feeding vitality outward, where it can encourage the world, as opposed to defensively turning it internal, where you can end up cautious.

Leo Horoscope

Leo, you have a big heart and make big demands of other people. You need a show of loyalty and love in order to share your gregarious spirit. If fame is going to happen, it will be this week, when all that you touch turns to gold. Despite this, you may not feel very confident so finding ways to boost yourself is important. Managing your expectations and taking action where you can is important to you. If you can meditate, do. This will regulate your emotions and mood., helping to prepare you for challenges you may face in the workplace. You may feel that there is not enough love to go around, so remember that you are responsible for generating self-love.

Virgo Horoscope

Your career experiences a boost, which is just what you needed. You are not a plodder, you are always looking to improve and be productive and this can make you somewhat of a perfectionist. Love is harmonious and if you’ve been single for a while, you may start to experience what it feels like to fall in love again. This lightens your mood and helps you to embrace the sunnier side of life. You are hungering for new educational opportunities as you want to develop and expand your brain. Keeping your brain in use is important as it keeps you focused and growing. Have a little faith in yourself.

Libra Horoscope

Libra, this week you are lucky, and this should encourage you to go after what you want. You really do shine and if you are ambitious, you may well climb the ladder or be invited to work on projects or apply for roles that give you room to grow. Romance lingers around you, as it always does for Libra natives, and you charm the socks off of whoever you wish to enchant. Your ideal partner is someone polished, refined and cultured who appreciates the arts as much as you do. If you are going to spend money on anything, make it your health and well-being.

Scorpio Horoscope

You are naturally courageous, tenacious and bold, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have your wobbles, as we all do. Being a water sign, you tend to retreat and then explode when pushed to an extreme. In love, there is a blissful sense of closeness with your partner. You may even receive a marriage proposal. At work, you bring an excited disposition and are eager to get things done. People appreciate your work ethic and desire to help your colleagues. Something new and good is on the horizon. You just need to embrace it! Remember, Scorpio energy is strong, transformational and powerful.

Sagittarius Horoscope

Marriage might not seem like the natural home of the Sagittarius native. You are after all a total freedom lover and yet the stars indicate that marriage might be on your mind, especially if you find a partner who enjoys the lighter side of life, who has a sense of humour, fun and a need for adventure. If you can explore the world with the one you love, you’ll be immensely happy and will grow. Your social life is more active than usual. You need to be out and about, exchanging ideas with people and learning about yourself through them. This is a period of prosperity so embrace all that comes your way – these are the good times. Life is being kind to you and you love it back as a result.

Capricorn Horoscope

It is natural for you to win, to be victorious, to lead. This isn’t because things just fall into your lap but because you work hard and do all that you can. You are ambitious and have a clear picture of your goals in your mind. This gives you something to work towards and rather than rushing there, you take your time and adopt the slow and steady wins the race approach. You have the patience to understand that things take time and you are happy to enjoy the journey. Stay away from destructive pastimes like drinking. Focus on productivity and self-improvement.

Aquarius Horoscope

Your fixed nature gives you the drive necessary to see things through. Although this can lead to you getting stuck in a rut when you really should move on, it also ensures that you understand when something is worthwhile, even when others don’t. You have the gift of foresight and get a sense when something is new, important or innovative. Avoid conflict as this will damage your beautiful energy. Surround yourself with what is beautiful and good. Be cautious in love, ensure that you have your boundaries firmly in place.

Pisces Horoscope

Things are beginning to happen in your life and you can see things materializing around you. It feels good to see dreams become tangible, to know that what you dream can exist in reality if you push it through. You may have a slight dip in confidence this week so be gentle with yourself. There is no need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself or to be impatient or irritable with the progress you are making. Meditation and yoga can help you connect with yourself on a deep level. All you need to do is be better than you were yesterday. Love feels stable and harmonious – you enjoy being with your loved one.

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Weekly Horoscope 24th June to 30th June 2018 Mon, 25 Jun 2018 07:53:14 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries (21st March to 20th April) This week homely issues are probably going to ask your consideration. Your family may whine about your …

The post Weekly Horoscope 24th June to 30th June 2018 appeared first on Lifestyle News Update | Events | Fashion | Top Buzz.

Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries (21st March to 20th April)

This week homely issues are probably going to ask your consideration. Your family may whine about your not investing enough time with them or not focusing on the family matters. Pay notice to their demands to maintain the pleasant atmosphere at home. Being hopeful is probably going to work to support you, particularly if you are a businessperson. Your positive approach and endeavors to support business will yield lucrative outcomes.

Taurus (21st April to 21st May)

The struggle is the main consistent factor throughout everyday life; the sooner you comprehend this, the better. You may feel low and annoyed with the way things are occurring, personally as well as professionally. Hitched couples are probably going to encounter a tough situation this week. Steady bothering by your partner may prompt uneasiness and contentions. Also, Mars turns retrograde, and two giants Sun and Saturn, set inverse to each other will keep you worried about homely issues.

Gemini (22nd May to 21st June)

Your hunger for cash may trigger you to take up out of line/unscrupulous practices. Cease from doing that, or you may need to think twice about it later. For professionals, it is the best time to draw out the shrouded potential. Endowed with a major project, you might be resolved to put forth a valiant effort and rise fruitful! But, for employees, it might be hard to play out their day by day tasks because of significant specialized glitch. Be ready to work long hours to complete the task on time.

Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July)

Finance is the focal point of the month, including the last week. Moon currently associates with Jupiter in retrograde mode. Subsequently, you are probably going to be cheerful about a superior money related position contrasted with the week passed by. However, expecting a sudden surge in your ledgers would be unjustifiable. Additionally, if you don’t watch alert while taking major money related choices, you may need to think twice about it later.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)

Now is the time to pay attention to domestic matters and fulfil the needs of your family, or you may be blamed for neglecting them. Ruler of your Sign Sun is in Cancer in the 12th House. Here, you may pursue your passion, indulge in your favourite hobbies and acquire in-depth spiritual knowledge to follow spirituality. On Wednesday, Mars turns retrograde in Aquarius, your 8th House. This may keep you away from achieving the desired goal/progress for the time being.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

As the week begins, financial aspects and future will remain the biggest concern. Sun and Mercury positioned in the eleventh House seem perfectly aligned for lucrative monetary gains. You may keep aside your worries for some time as will enjoy a strong financial position here. But, the influence of Mars and Rahu along with Venus over your 12th House can lead to reckless spending.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)

Professionally the month has been highly fruitful, which is shall continue during the last week. Professionals, as well as businessmen, are likely to benefit from a short-term travel, which may add to the work portfolio. Meanwhile, domestic matters need your attention. An urgent repair of an electronic gadget used daily becomes a priority. You may even consider replacing the entire gadget with a new and improved one due to family’s pressure.

Scorpio (23rd October to 22nd November)

Lady Luck has not given you a single chance to complain all this month. This week too, your bank balance is likely to swell as huge monetary gains are in the offing. You are likely to be in a mood to celebrate and give your family a better lifestyle. During midweek, employees and professionals may face some challenges at work as Mars turns retrograde. Those who are planning to take up a new project/assignment should postpone it, for the time being.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December)

The backlog of unpleasant events in the past is likely to haunt you and leave you distressed. Channelizing energies in a positive way and focusing on your work will help you to overcome the troubles. Keep some cash handy as you may need it while incurring a familial expense. Over midweek, Mars turns retrograde in Aquarius – your 3rd House. As a result, singles may be unwilling to get into a long-term relationship, due to their uncertain future prospects. You may also have an argument with your sibling or a cousin. Don’t be too angry.

Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January)

Matters on the domestic front need to be handled with due tact and sensibility, this week. There are chances of arguments with your partner for setting priorities and sharing responsibilities in the household matters. Be mature and tactful in ironing out your differences. If possible, try to spend some quality time together to maintain harmony. Saturn, the ruler of your Sign, traverses in retrograde mode, through your Sign. Saturn here depicts prudence and caution.

Aquarius (21st January to 18th February)

Some disruption, due to the difference of opinion with a near one, is likely to keep you disturbed on the personal front. The sooner you acknowledge the difference and prioritize to resolve the issue, the better. This will only help in preserving harmony and maintaining peace in the relationship. Meanwhile, you may indulge in a retail therapy to uplift your mood. However, spending extravagantly may ruin your plans of saving money. Retrograde Mars moving through your Sign over Wednesday is likely to have major repercussions on your occupation as well as finances.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

Financial matters are likely to take the forefront, this week. Expenses related to the family may crop up suddenly and upset your saving plans. Keep enough cash handy for an emergency, if any. Your cards here, exhibit a high probability of an injury or accident; be careful. During the midweek, Mars turns retrograde during transit through your 12th House. Astrologically, Mars rules your 2nd House as well as the 9th House.

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Weekly Horoscope 17th June to 23rd June 2018 Mon, 18 Jun 2018 06:05:46 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries (21st March to 20th April) The week is probably going to prove lucrative for business persons, regarding work development and expanding abroad …

The post Weekly Horoscope 17th June to 23rd June 2018 appeared first on Lifestyle News Update | Events | Fashion | Top Buzz.

Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries (21st March to 20th April)

The week is probably going to prove lucrative for business persons, regarding work development and expanding abroad clients. However, the pace of advance growth is slower than you had expected! Point the finger at it on the retrograde Saturn navigating through your tenth House. Nevertheless, great fiscal returns are in the offing, which urges you to channelize your profits and funds in a more profitable manner.

Taurus (21st April to 21st May)

As the week starts, you might be continually pondering your self-improvement and economic wellbeing. You may attempt different approaches to grab attention, get noticed and inevitably get applauded in your professional or friends circle. Over Wednesday, Mercury shifts into watery Sign Cancer – your third House. This will help in building a solid bond with your kin, cousins and relatives.

Gemini (22nd May to 21st June)

This week, you may accomplish something you adore the most – shopping! You might spend on makeup products, antiques, extravagant things for your home or enjoying relaxing exercises. However, the lifted up Moon which travels through the twelfth House is connected with expense and loss ahead. Consequently, reconsider before spending unnecessarily. Rather, concentrate more on your reserve savings.

Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July)

A rewarding week lies in front of you. Be grateful as a Good Samaritan is probably going to come your way, who may prove beneficial for you, particularly financially. Additionally, building associations with powerful individuals may lead to cash inflow. Over Wednesday, sly Mercury enters your Sign, which recommends that you may have beneficial foreign connections and also windfall gains.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)

After all the battle a week ago, this week is probably going to get you some reprieve, personally and professionally. Businessmen may hit gold by collaborating with a universal organization. Other than adding cash to your kitty, it will add to your market value giving you a good reputation. Mercury is in its own Sign Gemini and navigates through the eleventh House connected with gains and fulfillment of a desire.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

As the week starts, you may visit religious places and practice spirituality, which may reestablish your confidence in the Supreme. This, eventually, will refreshingly affect your mind, which won’t just urge you to buckle down yet additionally put in imaginative thoughts for better prospects. The leader of your Sign Mercury shifts into Cancer – your eleventh House. Meanwhile, you may likewise meet mighty of the business, and assemble a solid relationship with them.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)

The positive effects of the universe are probably going to proceed with this week. Accordingly, businessmen are probably going to get receive back-to-back orders from a loyal, worthy customer. However, keep away from delay in conveying the pending orders. Mercury, the regular natural in-charge of your ninth House Gemini, travels through a similar House alongside mighty Sun. Make the most of this benevolent time; aim at making huge gains as luck is by your side! Over Wednesday, shifting of Mercury to Cancer – your 10th House may increase your chances of gaining through the overseas network.

Scorpio (23rd October to 22nd November)

Venus navigates through your ninth House, and wily Saturn in retrograde mode moves contrary to Venus. This planetary arrangement proposes up and downs in your marital life. Contentions and clashes with your partner are likely to disturb the marital harmony. Be quiet and deal with the issue at the most punctual to maintain a strategic distance to avoid further bitterness in the relationship.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December)

It’s that time when you might want to go overboard on lavish things and display it as well! However, focusing more on your funds than spending will prove a wise step in the long run. Yearning and profession oriented are probably going to feel safe and content in their profession, until now. Around Wednesday, Mercury shifts into the watery Cancer – your eighth House. For the individuals who are hitched, a costly gift from in-laws is in the offing; appreciate being in the spotlight! Before long, Venus moves into a blazing Sign Leo, controlled by forceful Sun, bit by bit moving in your ninth House – of luck.

Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January)

Great astronomical arrangement should prove fortunate for the singles, this week. Truth be told, an approval to the individuals who will get into a committed relationship with a companion. Hitched couples may enjoy intimate moments. A bike ride on a rainy night is an excellent thought! For the business professional, making a strategic move related to business shall give an edge over competitors! Professionals feel confident and dedicated to performing productivity at work.

Aquarius (21st January to 18th February)

Sometimes it’s great to dream… and it is far better to understand those fantasies by putting a money in a loan. You too may attempt to do a similar this week. Likewise, being techno-adroit, you may have a desire to purchase another device or an electronic thing with present-day innovation, and you may well do as such! However, practice caution while spending as going overboard with unnecessary expenses, be it taking a loan or buying luxury electronic goods may cost you heavily resulting in debts.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

The week looks encouraging for singles, as there is a probability of them chancing upon childhood crush. You may appear to be eager to see each other and choose to meet again finished some espresso! The individuals who are in a conferred relationship, it’s an ideal time to ring the wedding chimes and start another part of life. Over Wednesday, Mercury moves into Moon-ruled Cancer – your fifth House, which recommends that your solid network abroad is probably going to profit you, in more routes than one.

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Weekly Horoscope 10th June To 16th June’18 Mon, 11 Jun 2018 05:07:29 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries (21st March to 20th April) The week is likely to prove lucrative for businessmen, in terms of work expansion and increasing overseas …

The post Weekly Horoscope 10th June To 16th June’18 appeared first on Lifestyle News Update | Events | Fashion | Top Buzz.

Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries (21st March to 20th April)

The week is likely to prove lucrative for businessmen, in terms of work expansion and increasing overseas customers. However, the pace of progress may be slower than you had expected! Blame it on the retrograde Saturn traversing through your 10th House. Nevertheless, good monetary returns are in the offing, which encourages you to channelize your profit and savings in a more productive way.

Taurus (21st April to 21st May)

As the week begins, you may be constantly thinking about your personal growth and social status. You may try various ways to grab attention, get noticed and eventually get praised in your professional or social circle. Over Wednesday, Mercury shifts into watery Sign Cancer – your 3rd House. This will aid in building a strong bond with your siblings, cousins and relatives.

Gemini (22nd May to 21st June)

This week, you may do something you love the most – shopping! You may be spending on cosmetics, artifacts, luxurious items for your home or indulging in relaxing activities. However, the exalted Moon which moves through the 12th House is linked with expense and loss. Hence, think twice before spending unnecessarily. Instead, focus more on your savings.

Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July)

A rewarding week lies ahead of you. Thank your lucky stars as a Good Samaritan is likely to come your way, who may prove beneficial for you, especially financially. Also, building relationships with influential people may lead to money inflow. Over Wednesday, crafty Mercury enters your Sign, which suggests that you may have profitable foreign connections and also windfall gains.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)

After all the struggle last week, this week is likely to get you some respite, personally and professionally. Businessmen may strike gold by collaborating with an international company. Besides adding money to your kitty, it will add to your market value giving you a good reputation. Mercury is in its own Sign Gemini and traverses through the eleventh House linked with gains and fulfilment of a wish.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

As the week begins, you may visit religious places and practice spirituality, which may reinstate your faith in the Supreme. This, eventually, will have a refreshing effect on your psyche, which will not only encourage you to work hard but also put in innovative ideas for better prospects. Ruler of your Sign Mercury shifts into Cancer – your 11th House. Meanwhile, you may also meet high and mighty of the industry, and build a strong relationship with them.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)

The positive effects of the cosmos are likely to continue this week. As a result, businessmen are likely to receive back-to-back orders from a loyal, worthy clientele. However, avoid delay in delivering the pending orders. Mercury, the natural in-charge of your 9th House Gemini, transits through the same House along with mighty Sun. Make the most of this benevolent time; aim at making huge gains as luck is by your side! Over Wednesday, shifting of Mercury to Cancer – your 10th House may increase your chances of gaining through the overseas network.

Scorpio (23rd October to 22nd November)

Venus traverses through your 9th House, and wily Saturn in retrograde mode moves in direct opposition to Venus. This planetary alignment suggests up and downs in your marital life. Arguments and conflicts with your partner are likely to disturb the marital harmony. Be calm and sort out the matter at the earliest to avoid further bitterness in the relationship.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December)

It’s that time of the year when you would like to splurge on luxurious items and flaunt it too! However, concentrating more on your savings than spending will prove a wise step in the long run. Ambitious and career-oriented are likely to feel secure and content in their job, as of now. Around Wednesday, Mercury shifts into the watery Cancer – your 8th House. For those who are married, an expensive gift from in-laws is in the offing; enjoy being in the limelight! Soon, Venus moves into a fiery Sign Leo, ruled by mighty Sun, gradually moving in your 9th House – of luck.

Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January)

Favourable cosmic alignment shall prove lucky for the singles, this week. In fact, go ahead to those who are willing to get into a committed relationship with a friend. Married couples may enjoy romantic moments. A bike ride on a rainy evening is a good idea! For businessmen, making a strategic move related to business shall give an edge over competitors! Professionals feel confident and motivated to perform efficiently at work.

Aquarius (21st January to 18th February)

Sometimes it’s good to dream… and it is even better to realize those dreams by investing a little amount of money in a loan. You too may try to do the same this week. Also, being techno-savvy, you may have an urge to buy a new gadget or an electronic item with modern technology; and you may well do so! However, practice caution while spending as going overboard with unnecessary expenses, be it taking a loan or buying luxury electronic goods may cost you heavily resulting in debts.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

The week looks promising for singles, as there is a possibility of them bumping into a childhood or teenage crush. You may seem excited to see each other and decide to meet again over a cup of coffee! Those who are in a committed relationship, it’s a perfect time to ring the wedding bells and begin a new chapter of life. Over Wednesday, Mercury moves into Moon-ruled Cancer – your 5th House, which suggests that your strong network abroad is likely to benefit you, in more ways than one.

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Weekly Horoscope 3rd June to 9th June 2018 Tue, 05 Jun 2018 10:57:02 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries (21st March to 20th April) Relationships are fragile; they need to be handled with care: the sooner you understand this, the better …

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Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries (21st March to 20th April)

Relationships are fragile; they need to be handled with care: the sooner you understand this, the better as things may go haywire in meaningful relationships. You may be on a quest for someone who may inspire you, and bring out the best in you. Ruler of your Sign Mars is posited in your 11th House, which is indicative of your relationship status to be a complicated one. The initial charm of new relationships may soon fizzle out, as this new person may be abusive or may be addicted to alcohol or similar intoxication.

Taurus (21st April to 21st May)

Your ambitions and career-related activities are likely to come to the fore, this week. Businessmen may feel pumped up to explore new avenues for better prospects. Hard taskmaster Saturn is in charge of your 9th House – linked with luck and fortune, as well as the 10th House that corresponds to Karma and occupation. At present, Saturn moves through your 9th House in retrograde mode.

Gemini (22nd May to 21st June)

Although your sincere efforts and consistent hard work may not show expected results, you may be far from being disappointed. However, you definitely ponder upon what is stopping you from reaching your goal? As viewed, the unfavorable positions of wily Saturn and malefic Ketu may be coming between you and the lady luck.

Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July)

Patience and faith in yourself will reap you benefits in the long run. As of now, the planetary alignment indicates a slow-paced progress at work despite serious efforts. Losing patience will only worsen the situation; wait for the right time. Businessmen plan big and implement innovative strategies for business expansion. This will definitely take you to the top as well as strengthen your financial position.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August)

The week may become challenging if you try to hasten the activities around you. It’s good to wait for the right time rather than blaming others for the delay. Businessmen are likely to be on toes chasing multiple deals. However, final confirmation of these deals may take time. Also, plans for expanding the business may go awry after differences with the partner/s. Avoid forcing your way of doing things. It will take some time before things get back to normal, once again.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September)

Relationship issues with a dear one are likely to bog you down. Steer clear of all the pessimism by focusing your energies on something more constructive. Venus moves through the eleventh House. This shall help you to repair and revive the fragile equation with your dear one. A possibility of connecting with people of various strata is indicated here. However, be fully aware of their intentions and their past before getting highly cordial.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October)

At the onset of the month, Lady Luck is shining bright for you! Thanks to the crafty Mercury, which is in its own Sign Gemini, along with Sun. This is your 9th House – and is linked with luck. Here, you may have a strong desire to make it big, and your stars will aid you in doing so! You will also concentrate on your appearance. Businessmen are likely to benefit by dealing with valued customers.

Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd November )

This week, all your efforts are towards saving money, mainly because you may plan to buy a latest electronic gadget, which has recently hit the market. Ruler of your Sign Mars posited in your 4th House has aspect over your 10th House and the malefic Rahu camping therein. Here, there are strong chances of your exploring various avenues at the work front.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December):

Your love for your sibling is unfathomable! But here, you are likely to be at loggerheads with him/her as the week begins. This, eventually, may leave you upset. However, you may find solace in each other by spending more time and understanding each other’s perspective. Businessmen need to observe caution while travelling as they may encounter an uneasy situation or suffer from ill-health. Your Sign ruler benevolent Jupiter – as well as the wily Saturn now move in a retrograde mode.

Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January)

All you wish for is a luxuriously comfortable life for yourself and your family! And you are aware of the fact that you need to enhance your financial prospects if you want to fulfil your wish. However, Mars and malefic Ketu are present in your 2nd House, linked with finances and family. Hence, the road ahead is not as easy as you expect it to be.

Aquarius (21st January to 18th February)

This week, your ambitions and thirst for self-growth are likely to give you sleepless nights. The planet Mars, moving through your Sign, shall keep your energy levels high, aiding you to work better and harder. However, hard task master Saturn, which rules your airy Sign may play a spoilsport, as it does not seem very supportive of your progress on the professional front. But, one domain where Saturn can assist you is spirituality.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March)

Financial matters are likely to remain the focus of the week. You may indulge in a retail therapy or splurge on other pleasurable activities to relax and unwind. Also, make provision for contingency as family-related expenses are likely to increase. There is a possibility that your plans to save money for the future may go for a toss due to unexpected household expenses.

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WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 27th MAY – 2nd JUNE 2018 Mon, 28 May 2018 14:46:44 +0000 Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign. Aries (21st March to 20th April): You have spent a good deal of the last few weeks, immersed in your thoughts and inner …

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Want to know what’s in store for you this week? Read our weekly horoscopes so that you know what challenges you can expect to face in the week ahead. These are predictions based on Sun Sign.

Aries (21st March to 20th April): You have spent a good deal of the last few weeks, immersed in your thoughts and inner space. Ironically, though you felt lonely – you did not spend any quality time with your near ones. Be ready to listen to these pleas from your family members – as the week opens. Have you been ignoring domestic matters? Well, don’t! A trickling tap or a bill unpaid – is only going to add to your stress.

Taurus (21st April to 21st May): Cosmic tussle in your zone of marital or committed relationships indicates some trouble in your paradise. One engaged to be married may actually be re-thinking their equation. Business partnerships too may run into challenges and confusions. Maybe, you don’t really agree with your partner or associate, and now, under the Mercurial influence, you are being direct and upfront about it.

Gemini (22nd May to 21st June): Ever since the last week, something may have been playing on your mind. Are you planning to go the wrong way to earn more money? Well, this is only going to make matters worse for you. Your finances, anyway, are in a good shape. Do not disturb the fine balance, by doing something foolish. You will be able to manage expenses easily, provided you steer clear of wasteful pursuits.

Cancer (22nd June to 22nd July): You begin the week on a gainful note. Some returns accrued on past investments may materialize here. Venus passing through your Sign gets influenced by Jupiter, which is going to be stimulating for you. Indulge in creative activities and pursuits of higher learning to take advantage of this astral configuration. Hobbies are a great way to keep yourself mentally agile and happy.

Leo (23rd July to 22nd August): Home and domestic matters take the center stage, as the week opens. A close family member, maybe your father or mother, may express his or her unhappiness on your behavior or unwillingness to spend time with them. As far as finances are concerned, the planets give you a happy status. In love, be careful, though. You are liable to be wrongly lured by someone untrustworthy. This person may be quite old or young to you in age.

Virgo (23rd August to 22nd September): Moon connects with retrograde Jupiter, traversing through your 3rd House, as the week begins. You will be thinking a lot – grand ideas, spirituality, altruism – but results may not manifest. Venus is now in your 11th House – so it’s friends’ time. Are you falling for an old friend or a social associate? Parties and lunches galore! Singles in love, however, may face opposition from their elders. Some of you may plan to take a drastic step – maybe eloping of getting married secretly.

Libra (23rd September to 22nd October): Your family demands your full attention, this week. Expenses rise and so do the expectations. You will, thus, will try to increase your earnings to meet these rising needs. There are some gains foresees and happy financial prospects, provided you keep your cool – and manage everything well. Encouraging returns on your earlier investments will cheer you up.

Scorpio (23rd October to 22nd November): You begin the week on a powerful note. Planets seem to be willing and ready to let you have your way. We hope that you will steer the tide in a fruitful and constructive direction only. Monetary gains are foreseen. Your image in your circle gets a boost, or your popularity increases. But don’t let this get the better of you – don’t flaunt just to impress others.

Sagittarius (23rd November to 21st December): Are you calling out to Gods or benefic planets to soothe the ruffled feathers of fortunes, as the week begins? Maybe that or some other sort of ritual or ceremony is likely. Meanwhile, the retrograde Jupiter (your own Sign Lord) and retrograde Saturn may keep putting roadblocks and struggles onto your path. Well, what is life, if it is without ups and downs! Enjoy this vast and beautiful – and, not to forget, limitless sea of surprises.

Capricorn (22nd December to 20th January): Ones planning to get married to partner of their choice may face opposition from their elders in the family. You may even plan to take a drastic step and get married secretly. Well, even though the planets will support you in any kind of clandestine or secret activities, it would be best to take your well-wishers in your confidence. Do not take any major decision in haste.

Aquarius (21st January to 18th February): A new or important work responsibility makes it way to your desk, as the week begins. Well, isn’t it great that your seniors now trust you with such key tasks? Use this opportunity to hone your skills – maybe acquire a new skill. And, take challenges, if any, in your stride. Business and trade prospects get a boost; you may get a chance to land a profitable deal now.

Pisces (19th February to 20th March): Moon meets retrograde Jupiter this week. You are thinking about money, a new education course, higher learning or maybe something philosophical. Whatever it is – it’s positive, but may not bear immediate results – certainly not until you pursue it with full determination. Blame it on retrogression or the other astral alignments – or yourself – but the only way ahead is Karma.


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