Seven Qualities a Woman should have to Keep Her Man Hooked

Every man has a fantasy for a perfect life partner and men always want certain qualities in their lady. And it is said that a man always imagines a woman like his mother. Men are incomplete without women. Though they are physically strong they always need a moral and emotional support from the opposite sex. Therefore, it is an important decision to choose the correct life partner. Here are seven qualities a woman should have to keep her man hooked.
1. Family Oriented
Having a family is essential for everyone. They are the people you look up to at the end of the day. And when it comes to getting settled or choosing a life partner it is very important that he or she gels well with your partner. Almost all the men who eventually want to have a family would agree to this fact. However, a woman who is family oriented is the ideal life partner as she will always take care of you and your family. Therefore she will even look after your family in your absence.
2. Kind at Heart
Men always fall for inner beauty and not the other way round. Women who are good at heart always grab attention. Women who are caring, loving and thoughtful are every man’s desire. However, everyone likes being pampered and loved. It is heartwarming when someone does those small little things to make you feel loved. Therefore, a woman who has all of these qualities will undoubtedly make way to a man’s heart.
3. Intellectually Challenging
Looks cannot keep a guy hooked to a lady. Though looks are the first thing we notice in someone they will eventually fade away. However, what stays is the personality. A deep and intriguing conversation will always last forever. It is very important for two people to connect intellectually. Having a bond with your life partner is essential. It is important for the two to have healthy discussions. Therefore, such discussions strengthen the bond. Hence, beauty with brains is an ideal for all men.
4. Understanding and Empathetic
Compassion, encouragement, and understanding towards your partner are some basic tips for a healthy relationship. Everybody wants to have a partner who is supportive and encouraging. However, men always want their lady to be understanding and compassionate. They never want to be with someone who tries to pull them down. Therefore in a life full of challenges men look for women who can comfort them and make things look easier. Hence, men appreciate women who help them achieve their goals.
5. Ambitious
A person without goals is nothing but an aimless human being with no directions and desires. And the one with no ambition will never make a great partner as they won’t know the importance of achieving something. And a woman who has dreams of her own will help you follow yours and will be your strength. However, men these days fall for ambitious women. They feel proud to be with a lady who has her own goals and aims in life and is smart enough to achieve them. Hence, women who are independent are more desirable.
6. Consistent
This is one important factor when it comes to being committed to a relationship. It isn’t healthy if you are unsure of your partner’s behavior in a certain situation. Consistency is something which ensures a sense of security in a relationship. However, commitment and loyalty demand consistency. Hence, men really want this one quality in their lady love.
7. Going an extra Mile
Making some small gestures to see a smile on your partner’s face is something very beautiful. Such out of the way gestures make the other person feel loved. Men like women who make some efforts to show them their love and affection. This could be buying him something he wanted to but did not or something that he admires in you but does not get to see it very often. However, a woman should never stop doing all those things that attracted a man towards her. Hence, never make your man feel taken for granted.
Therefore this proves that men may fall for a woman’s looks but they cannot keep him hooked in the long run. However, men want women who have all of the above qualities even if they aren’t pretty. So watch out ladies! Only good looks are not to stay, you need to have some qualities to keep your man hooked for life.