Your conversation relies on the way you say ‘Hello’

Say Hi to Hello!
There are different ways of greeting people around the world. Be it in any language, a conversation always starts with a hello. It is easy to be connected with people around the globe through social media. But it is a harsh truth that people lack warmth and affection in their greetings and conversations.
To keep away all the negativity here comes, ‘World Hello Day’. It is observed on the 21 November around 108 countries of the World. The motive to celebrate Hello Day is to patch up with friends whom you haven’t heard from since long.
Are we becoming Robots? If not then why don’t we take out time to talk to our dear ones? Talking to some people from different walks of life we have come across some amazing views on Hello Day.
We asked them their views on this Day and do they feel the word ‘Hello’ has lost its meaning? Do they feel the trend should change and people should make an effort to talk to their friends and family? Shall we greet random people with a ‘Hello’ and make new friends? And if given a chance to talk to a long lost friend then whom would they like to say ‘Hello’?
Dolly Malkiat, Cine & TV artist: Yes I strongly feel that people now –a-days say ‘Hello’ just for the heck of it. Earlier we were more closely knit with family and friends. People fail to know the emotion of the word. On the occasion of World Hello Day, I would like to greet an old teacher of mine, Mrs Cheema. I usually call her once in a while just to keep in touch. Whatever I am today is because of her.
Dr Avleen, MBBS, MPH (JHSPH): Hello is said only to answer a phone call. It’s no more used to make new friends or to talk to someone. Yes, the trend should change, but I personally feel that nobody has the time to make such efforts these days. I would say ‘Hello’ to my landlady in Delhi, where I stayed while preparing for my entrance. Back then I had no time to speak to her but she had always been very supportive.
Gurpartap Singh Tung, Director, Hotel GK International: Hello is more commercial now. It lacks warmth and affection. A ‘Hello’ should always be polite. ‘Hello’ helps initiate a conversation and it should always start warmly. I would like to say a loving Hello to my friends (Garry, Harman, Riya, Atul) who have been busy with their hectic schedules.
Navneet Kapany, Founder Sayyam: Of course the word has lost its meaning. It’s more of a formality now, we hardly pause and say hello to someone. We are losing out on interpersonal relationships. Earlier communication was more meaningful unlike now. A ‘Hello’ starts a conversation and venting out our feeling to someone is very important. It’s depressing when you have no one to talk to after a long day at work. Depression takes a toll on health and saying a ‘Hello’ helps release stress.
Mandeep Khurana, Teacher, GNPS: I think people have started using other words apart from ‘Hello’. The young generation uses words like ‘Hi’, ‘Whats-Up’, ‘Yo’. People like using abbreviations now. It’s just that things change with time. But I agree that we lack the warmth in our greetings. We say ‘Hello’ with a stress to point out at a negative thing or a person. I would like to say ‘Hello’ to my friend Deepa whom I haven’t met for a while now.